We offer a variety of services
HYDROC offers a variety of services in the water field, tailored to our clients needs. We have strong experience with direct project implementation and technical assistance as well as institutional support, monitoring and evaluation. Our approaches including strong knowledge transfer and capacity building elements.

Project Management and Client Support
We have experienced project managers, team players and team leaders who have worked on a variety of projects for different clients and donors including UN, USAID, EC, WB and other agencies. With our skills and experiences we ensure optimised project implementation within time and budget, fulfilling and exceeding our clients requirements. We have the knowledge, skills and experience to support both clients or contractors sides including aspects like BoQ development or tender support.

Technical Assistance and Independent Expert Advice
The expertise of our individual experts covers a wide field of water related technical aspects for which we can provide technical assistance services as well as independent expert advice. Providing specialised expert input for different fields we always have the capacity to utilise the cross sectoral synergies covering our full area of expertise.

Technical Studies and Assessments
We conduct detailed technical studies and assessments ranging from baseline technical studies regarding groundwater, surface water and climate change impacts to feasibility studies for engineering interventions and developments in lacustrine, riverine and coastal environments. We cover the whole spectrum from measuring campaigns to data processing, analysis, engineering design and process modelling.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Review
Based on our experience covering a variety of water related projects we can provide strong monitoring, evaluation and review services in the institutional and engineering sector covering both project and/or institution related aspects. We utilise latest methodologies and structured approaches for M&E works.

Institutional Support & Development
Institutional support for governments and river basin organisations is one of our key services. Services range from client support in needs assessments, proposal development and contract supervision to recommendations regarding institutional development and water sector development.

Quality- and Progress– and Risk Monitoring
Following needs identification, the monitoring of project quality and progress is including the definition of risks and recommendation of adjustments is a prerequisite for successful project implementation and optimisation of project results. We have the necessary skills and project experience to scrutinise and monitor projects, ensuring successful implementation to clients requirements.

Training, Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer
We carry out specialised and bespoken training courses in our areas of expertise. Where applicable, we aim to include capacity building elements in our approaches in order to transfer knowledge and ownership to the users of our or jointly developed products. We use stakeholder involvement as well as counterpart participation approaches and actively focus on developing our partners.

Modelling and Programming
We utilise the latest public domain modelling tools including SWAT, SWMM, HEC-RAS, HEC-GeoRAS, HEC-HMS, WEAP and ADH, as well as PYTHON programming and bespoken scripts developed according to project needs. We ensure maximum sustainability of the developed models and study results for our clients avoiding licensing issues while working with most up to date technologies. Fields of modelling expertise cover catchment hydrology, river hydrodynamics, groundwater, water quality, erosion, sediment transport, ecological modelling and climate change data downscaling.

GIS, Remote Sensing and Mapping
Up to date software tools including custom tailored solutions are used in our projects. In addition, custom tailored solutions are offered for pre-processing of hydrologic and hydraulic model input data as well as post-processing of modelling results. Flexible scripts are developed for optimised data analysis and presentation of results.

Impact Assessments
Assessments of impacts of planned or existing hydraulic structures or infrastructure development activities including consideration of cause-consequence chains. Coverage of a variety of aspects including catchment hydrology, river hydraulics, biodiversity, social and environmental aspects. Development of mitigation options and custom tailored solutions.