HYDROC provides expert consultancy services in the field of Integrated Water Resources Management, Catchment Management and Hydrology, focusing on African, the Middle East and Asia with special expertise in Arid Regions (Wadi Hydrology), Wetlands and transboundary basins both in technical aspects as well as with institutional support.
Disaster Risk Management
Assessment and analysis of on site conditions regarding the threats and risks in a disaster prone environment considering drivers as well as vulnerabilities of environmental conditions and the affected population. Development of risk and impact profiles, development of sustainable prevention, adaptation and mitigation options and strategies as well as implementation plans. Institutional assessments, support, development and capacity building related to disaster management capacity, implementation of support tools, including e.g. emergency plans and mapping products for identification of e.g. flood risks, potential climate impacts and vulnerabilities.
Climate Change Impact
Consideration of climate change scenarios and impacts on water resources assessments. Downscaling of global scenarios under consideration of regional and local effects including land use changes. Data assessments and evaluation. Policy development and institutional support.
Climate Change Downscaling
Downscaling of Global Climate Model (GCM) data using statistical or dynamical tools based on IPCC AR4 or AR5 approaches. Calibration of climate predictions to local conditions taking into consideration regional and local particularities
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Climate change is inevitable and will impact on a variety of sectors. Mitigating these impacts by early non-regret adaptation measures is key for the sustainable development of societies. We provide expertise in custom tailored adaptation solutions considering stakeholder needs and optimisation potential.
Flood Mapping, Risk, Impact and Mitigation
Assessments of flood risks, potential flood impacts and possible mitigation options. Design of monitoring networks and control schedules as well as emergency plans, design of decision support tools, flood defence structures and mitigation options.