HYDROC provides expert consultancy services in the field of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), catchment management and hydrology, focusing on African, the Middle East and Asia with special expertise in arid regions (wadi hydrology), wetlands and transboundary basins both in technical aspects as well as with institutional support.
Agricultural Practice
Sustainable landuse practices including soil conservation and water conservation approaches, agricultural water management with a special focus on irrigation practices aiming at improving production while conserving resources. Situational analysis, needs assessments, option development considering sustainability aspects as well as guiding implementation and capacity building on government level as well as working with water user associations.
Irrigation Water Demand
Analysis of current and projected irrigation water demands, considering climate change aspects as well as development aspects. Option assessments considering various crop types as well as management options, as input to water allocation planning or improvement of agricultural practices. Application of different analysis and planning tools including CROPWAT.