Assessment and reporting on flood- and mudflow causes, risks and impacts, assessment and identification of mudflow mitigation and risk reduction measures. This includes baseline secondary data and information collection, updating the proposed approach, development of detailed methodology and update of the workplan. Finalization of scope and revision of methodology and work plan. Collection and assessment of all relevant information. Identification and consultation of relevant implementing organizations. Determination of both direct and indirect leading causes of mudflows and impacts. Review and analysis of information on the existing and planned measures for mudflows risk mitigation. Description of mudflow mechanisms, map and hazards, addressing causes of mudflows. Confirmation of models and assessment tools. Modelling for current and future scenarios. Performing mudflow risk/vulnerability assessment. Identification of new NBS, gray and hybrid solutions for upstream, midstream and downstream areas. Development of conceptual designs of preferred alternatives. Analysis of effectiveness of preferred designs and adjustment as necessary. Preparation and holding of midterm workshop. Consulting with WB and technical staff from key national and regional agencies. Developing investment scenarios and analysis of their effectiveness. Examining constraints, risks, co-benefits and potential transboundary impacts. Proposing and consulting on an optimal combination of solutions. Finalising and presenting the preferred combination of solutions and recommendations. Preparation of summary for policy makers booklet. Preparation of data for hand over to World Bank in a digital open source format.
Actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
Activities include: i. Provision of technical guidance to the GIS Specialist and the Environmental Geologist on data collection and review of existing data and information on all aspects of mudflow risks in the Kyrgyz Republic; ii. With the support of the GIS Specialist and the Environmental Geologist, lead Subtask on mudflow and flooding hazards and risks analysis and modelling; iii. Lead the write-up of the Report on mudflow causes, risks and impacts, with technical input from other relevant experts; iv. Contribute to Task 2: Perform modelling and analysis to determine the effectiveness of mitigation and risk reduction measures proposed by the team, and of the gray infrastructure designs developed by MoES; v. Provide technical input into Task 3, Development of investment scenarios and plan, and Task 4, Final recommendations and dissemination of results, as requested by the Economist and the Project Leader; vi. Take part in team meetings, provide written input into project deliverables and outputs in accordance with expertise, and contribute presentations and resource materials as required.
Name of client: The World Bank
Start date (month/year): 05/2023
Completion date (month/year): 02/2024