The consultancy delivers I. Water financing gaps report: with a. Conducting a review of critical financial needs of the water sector, concentrating on mostly major infrastructure; b. Understanding major water infrastructure priorities of the member states (with regional significance); c. Developing water financing gap report for regional and national water infrastructure in Central Asia; II. Water sector financing improvement action plan: with a. Systematizing the current water sector financing schemes from the region and international “best practices” for developing water sector financing options; b. Finding major water financing problems and obstacles in countries of the region; c. Preparation of the water infrastructure financing plan for selected regional and national infrastructure; III. Policy paper and dialogue series: with a. Developing and conducting a series of policy paper and policy dialogues for initiation of partnerships, potential agreements; b. Initiation of the regional working group on water sector financing under CAREC Program
Actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
Detailed tasks/deliverables include: 1-Report of water financing gaps in the water sector of 5 Central Asian states with highlighting water infrastructure priorities; 2-Water sector financing improvement action plan for efficient water sector financing – water sector financing improvement action plan; 3-Policy paper and policy dialogue series to develop implementation agreements, financing schemes and ownership processes.
Name of client: Asian Development Bank
Start date (month/year): 04/2023
Completion date (month/year): 09/2023