Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are increasingly affected by the consequences of advancing natural resource degradation in form of deteriorating land productivity and rising disaster risks. Deforestation, extensive animal grazing and other degrading practices have contributed to increase erosion and disintegrate the hydrological cycles. In this context, a comprehensive disaster risk- and watershed assessment has been conducted for the Ak Su and Khojibakirgan watersheds, including computer modelling of the hydrology and sediment load.
Actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
Watershed assessment including a field assessment and -appraisal of the present hydrological- and sediment load situation and main hazard zones, field and institutional data collection, selection of modelling software suitable to assess the hydrological and sediment load situation (SWAT). Estimation of relative contribution of different sub-watersheds to total water-runoff and production of sediment load within the watershed. Reporting and mapping of findings from assessment, hydrological- and sediment modelling as well as recommendations for future priority interventions in the watersheds in order to contribute to a more balanced hydrological situation and disaster prevention. Further, technical backstopping support to the client project manager and team was provided.
Name of client: ACTED
Start date (month/year): 03/2015
Completion date (month/year): 03/2016