Monitoring of weather patterns in Cambodia has, over the last decades, shown an increasing impact of climate change, leading to reducing water resources and respective impacts for the local population. Based on the conditions well described in the ToR, HYDROC has respectively developed a methodology for assessing the situation and planning mitigation options related to watershed management in selected pilot areas in Oddar Meanchey, Preah Vihear, Stung Treng and Kratie provinces, considering various options including improved water management, water saving, and alternative resources use like groundwater.
Actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
The specific objectives of this assignment include: 1. Improving the management of land and water, and their interactions and externalities; 2. Increasing the intensity and productivity of resource use with the objective of reducing poverty and improving livelihoods; 3. Improving environmental services and reducing negative externalities in particular for downstream areas which might be affected by upstream activities; 4. Improving water safety for all sectors, drinking water, agriculture, industrial use, fisheries, etc., in view of predicted climate change impacts in Cambodia; 5. Addressing technical, institutional, and policy issues needed to ensure equitable sharing of benefits among stakeholders and sustainable watershed management; 6. Taking into account social, economic and environmental issues, as well as community interests in order to manage water resources sustainably.
Name of client: Action Aid
Start date (month/year): 04/2019
Completion date (month/year): 11/2019