The Nile and its main tributaries flow through several large wetlands of great relevance for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services. The aim of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the NBI and the riparian states for the management of wetlands of transboundary relevance. At the basin-wide level, the project aims to increase the knowledge base and strengthen capacity to integrate green infrastructure in river basin planning. Objectives include:
1. Strengthen the knowledge base on wetlands of transboundary importance in the Nile Basin to support basin-wide conservation, management, planning and restoration efforts;
2. Raise awareness and undertake advocacy efforts on the important role of wetlands and their ecosystem functions for the basin’s development;
3. Develop and promote a basin-wide approach for the sustainable and cooperative management of wetlands taking into account the full range of wetland uses.;
4. Strengthen national policies and institutional capacities for the effective management of wetlands with basin-wide importance;
5. Strengthen the capacities of NBI and its member states to realize projects for implementing wetland management plans.
Actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
Project activities include the development of:
1. A wetlands inventory, atlas and monitoring approach;
2. A baseline assessment for the eco-hydrology, ecosystem services and biodiversity of major wetlands in the Nile river system;
3. Scenario assessments for key wetland management and development options;
4. A framework wetlands management plan;
5. A nested special focus case study on the Sudd. Workpackages include: Inception, Wetland Inventory Atlas and Monitoring, Eco-hydrological modelling and assessment, Ecosystem services assessment, Biodiversity Assessment, Developing a guidance for setting water allocations targets (e-flows) for wetlands, a scenario study for management option generation (policy and “green infrastructure” options), a Nile Basin Wetlands Mangement Framework Plan, an integrated – in-depth focus study on the Sudd Wetland in South Sudan, and the integration of cross-cutting aspects.
Name of client: GIZ / NBI
Start date (month/year) 10/2018
Completion date (month/year) 06/2020