The project expanded the Zambezi Water Resources Decision Support System (ZDSS: hosted at developed by Hydroc under INGC Phase II to include flood inundation mapping and zoning under a variety of potential development options and climate change scenarios, allowing decision makers to assess development- and climate change impacts in the river basin with regards to their effects on flooding. Works included batch modelling of flood scenarios in different river reaches, the splitting and storage of inundation cross sections in a database and the linking of the DSS elements to allow a flexible representation of flood inundation for user defined scenarios. The project further entailed the methodological development and pilot implementation of a real time flood forecasting system for the Zambezi River.
Actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
Defining and batch processing of hydrological scenarios based on land development and climate change scenarios, database development, processing of cross section information and linking of runoff scenarios with flood level database, allowing for flexible combination of flood scenarios. Conceptual development of real time flood forecasting system considering data availability specifically for Mozambique, Pilot implementation and testing of real time flood forecasting system for Zambezi River reaches.
Name of client: INGC
Start date (month/year): 06/2013
Completion date (month/year): 12/2013