In light of South Sudan’s ongoing civil conflicts, the Nile River is recognized as the last resort for transporting humanitarian supplies to the millions of IDPs and people at risk due to security and food related crises in the country. At present, UN and other humanitarian organizations are relying on less cost effective air transport or impracticable road transport. Full utilization of river transport needs to be achieved to enable these organizations to meet the country’s urgent humanitarian needs. The project will determine whether a full-scale river barge transportation system in South Sudan is viable.
Actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
Detailed tasks assigned include:
- Collection and review of existing data
- Stakeholder meetings in Juba
- Conducting physical river survey including bathymetric survey and port inspections
- Modelling of Nile river flows
- Development of situational analysis
- Development of encompassing feasibility study report incl. Environmental Impact Assessments for suggested measures
- Development of preliminary cost estimates, specs and detailed information to support development of tender docs by UNOPS
- Workshops and presentations
Name of client: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Start date (month/year): 08/2017
Completion date (month/year): 03/2018