The BWCSRP is being executed with financial support of the World Bank with the main objective to strengthen the capacity of the Govt. of Bangladesh to deliver effective weather, water and climate information services to sector agencies and communities.
The project is focused on strengthening the capacity of government agencies for improved meteorological and hydrological monitoring, forecasting, early warning system and strengthening the capacity of communities.
Actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
The main objective of this Consultancy is to provide comprehensive technical support to the Hydrology wing of BWDB in implementing the BWCSRP activities and in modernizing its monitoring network and operations, improving its hydrological, flood, and flash flood forecasting and early warning system, development of hydro-meteorological information products and services and in delivering services to existing and new users. This will support this through (i) assessment and design of hydro-meteorological, hydrogeological and river morphology systems and services, (ii) development of technical documentation including tender documents to support implementation of the BWCSRP project activities led by BWDB (Hydrology) and (iii) support the Hydrology wing of BWDB to help integrate different aspects of hydrological, hydro-meteorological, hydro-geological, hydrogeological and river morphology network, river forecasting and services as BWDB modernizes itself.
Name of client: Eptisa / Ministry of Water Resources/ Bangladesh Water Development Board / The World Bank
Start date (month/year): 04/2019
Completion date (month/year): 10/2021